Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Mobile Technology, Social Media, and The Flipped Classroom (for EDUC 639)

This is my introductory blog video post for EDUC 639. In my video, I discuss a little about myself, and I share my thoughts on mobile technology, social media, and the flipped classroom in education. Enjoy!


  1. Hey Tai,

    It is nice to meet you. The word or words we both selected that resonates each other are mobile technology and mobility. I agree that our word identification is one of the most important trends in distance education. Education has moved from the text book and worksheet activities to learning how to manipulate a pull down tab on portable device. I thought about your comments on a flipped classroom and I agree it would not be something a kindergartener teacher may use but I believe it would be a great instructional strategy for my high school biology class. This is something I plan to implement for review for EOC’s.

    Thanks Beverly

    1. Thanks for your response, Beverly. There are a few places for flipped classroom content--have you tried Sophia or Edmoto? Both have forums for students and might be useful for your high school biology class. Good luck with this, keep me posted on how it goes!

  2. Hey Tai,
    Nice to meet you! My daughter did her student teaching in K and now teaches at an academic preschool. :) It's a fun and challenging world.
    Looking forward to your great work in this course!

    1. Yes, the young students are definitely a challenge! They're also a lot of fun :)



  3. Hi Tai,
    I have created a video response, Here is the link. http://youtu.be/BK9QCkjzvd4

    1. Hi Celeste,

      Thanks so much for sharing the video response! I haven't heard of Dr. Lodge McCammon (http://lodgemccammon.com/) and did google him. I can't wait to explore his website on a night when I have a little more time. It looks awesome and I know I will spend a lot of time on it.

      I have a similar issue with subs--usually someone picks up my jobs but my paraprofessional does not often get someone to pick up her jobs. It is really frustrating--I wish my students could access my lessons without me there! I might need to think of a way to make this happen. I can't leave my laptop when I am not in the classroom, so I will think on this. If you come up with something in the meantime, please let me know!

      It sounds like you have a lot of things going on at school, and that you are making a lot of changes to increase and improve the use of technology at your school. I am sure that this helps students prepare for the real world and to become productive citizens of society.

      I also want to wish you a safe and speedy recovery in your surgery. You must be in a lot of pain and are awesome for participating in class as if nothing is wrong! Way to go!

      Thanks for sharing,


  4. Hi Tai,
    Thank you for your post. It was great to put a face with your name. I am looking forward to working with you in our group. I would love to know more about your ipad mini adventure. What grant did you have to go through to get the devices? I think they would be great for Kindergarten! I teach first grade and I have been wondering about grants that would fund a school with little money, PTO, and no title funds. It was great meeting you!

    1. Hi Maggie,

      Our school division offers "Dream Fund" grants for up to $5,000 and that is what I am applying for. Our PTA also does "mini" grants, which is how I got the iPad I use at school with students. I think it would be awesome to have more than one iPad to use, but it does help with some differentiation right now. I am not sure what other grants you could apply for, but when I get a chance I will look some up and let you know what I find. If you find any, please share them with me as well!
