Wednesday, September 25, 2013

EDUC 638 Blog 3

The video contains my thoughts on Chapter 7--Can you hear me now? (Hall) and Chapter 8--Data communications, the Internet, and educational applications (Picciano), how communication is extremely important, and what I think of it as a professional.

Hall, D. (2008). Can you hear me now? The technology director's guide to leadership: The power of great questions (pp. 173-192). Eugene, Or.: International Society for Technology in Education.
Picciano, A. G. (2011). Data communications, the Internet, and educational applications. Educational leadership and planning for technology (5th ed., pp. 133-184). Upper Saddle River, N.J.: Pearson.


  1. Hi Tai,
    I agree that clear communication between parties is absolutely essential. I think we have all experienced some communication failure/breakdown at some point in our lives. Your illustration of teaching kindergarten seems like an extremely effective way to make sure that everyone understands and is flowing in the same direction. I teach middle school and in a class of 29 I know that if one student gets off track it can drastically impact the rest of the class as well.

    I liked how you discussed how easily communication can break down when technology is involved. Email, texting or instant messaging seem to always have issues with how things are portrayed between parties. Miscommunication is often frequent and offenses are prevalent. Making sure that communication between professional co-workers is clear, direct and appropriate can help avoid serious misunderstandings.

    I think a great rule to follow is, before sending anything (email, text etc.) make sure that your words are to the point, kind and ultimately reflecting Christ.

    Thanks for your post!

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Bethany! Twenty-nine seems like a lot of students--your communication has to be clear just because you have such a big class!

  2. I totally agree about communication! Clear communication makes for all people involved to know what's going on and be on the same page. When everyone is aware of the "common" goal, they all know what they are working towards. I also agree that communication can easily break down when using technology. Often times we don't want to accept it, but technology is not a "perfect" tool and can make mistakes. I'd like to end by saying understanding is a great thing that takes you in a positive direction, and misunderstanding could cause failure.

    1. Thanks for sharing your thoughts, Marcus! The last point you make is nice to think makes me consider communication even more.
