Sunday, January 12, 2014

EDUC 633 Introduction

Enjoy my brief introduction about myself, my thoughts on learning, and two truths and a lie! Thanks!


  1. Hey Tai,

    It’s good to see you again! Yay, we will both be done in May with our degrees. I agree with your belief about learning. Students do learn more and quicker if they can relate the lesson to life experiences or something they already know. I believe the statement you made about having a green thumb is false. Making you a bears fan and running some favorite activities.


  2. Hi Tai,
    It is great seeing you again. I am looking forward to graduation in May. We should get our classmates from multiple classes together and walk at graduation. I agree with your statements about learning. I believe that you love plants but do not have a green thumb. If you do please pass your green thumb secrets my way. I look forward to our time together in this class.

  3. Hi Tai,
    I am so glad to see you here in EDUC 633. I recall having you in other classes and it is refreshing to see a familiar face. I enjoyed hearing your introduction. There were several points I can relate to. I really agree with your point on how children learn from experience and the use of their senses. Working in a rural community in Virginia I teach students with limited experiences and come to school not aware of a lot of the technology available as tools to learn. I am really trying hard to integrate more technology in my classroom and my students are eager to learn through them.
    As far as your truths and lie; I believe you are not a gardener with a green thumb. Who has time for that? We are teachers in Grad school. :) I also think that you could have a second favorite team (just in case your first choice bombs). About the running...I feel that it has become more and more popular to do with programs as Couch to 5K, and Color Run. Hope my guesses are right. I look forward to working with you.

    1. Laurie,
      Thanks for your feedback. I think that students and even their families sometimes presume that technology exists for convenience and games as opposed to being a tool for learning. Your wording makes a lot of sense--thanks for sharing!

  4. Hello! I enjoyed listening to your introduction. I am also a huge football fan but my favorite team is the Carolina Panthers! But my dad is a Steelers fan. I commend you for teaching Kindergarten because I went to my daughters first grade class all day and I almost went into the crazy hospital. :-) I too like to do research when new technology surfaces because I love finding out about the newest gadgets and ways to hit the classrooms. For your two truths and one lie...I would have to guess that you don't like running. After chasing kids all day, running shouldn't be one of your favorite things. :-)

    God Bless,

    1. Hi Charlon,
      Thanks for your thoughts. Teaching kindergarten is a lot of fun, requires a lot of patience, and is very rewarding. One of the great things is that students come to school and have few ideas of what it is all about, and I have a chance to teach them to love learning! I feel so fortunate to be in a position to do so with such young students. I can see your point about running, but often enough I find the energy to run after school!

  5. Hey everyone--Thanks for your thoughts--I will get back to each of you soon, but for the mean time:
    I enjoy running (distances equal to or less than 6 miles)
    My second favorite football team is the Chicago Bears (Steelers are of course #1)
    SO I do not have a green thumb--I can keep fresh flowers for about three days...forget trying to grow anything/keep it alive in a pot!
