Tuesday, August 27, 2013

EDUC 630 Blog 1

Here are my thoughts on Blog 1: What are the barriers to technology in schools and what will schools look like in 5-10 years. At the end, I mention technology literacy, which I think could be a great discussion topic--I would really like to hear what others think "technological literacy" might look like. Thanks!


  1. Hi Tai,
    I really understand and connect with your thoughts on how some teachers are unwilling to embrace the technological changes occurring within the field of education. I can relate to some of them because I feel we do not get enough support or professional development specifically related to tech use. I need to know what it can do and how I can implement technology directly into a lesson. I use technology a lot in my lessons but there is so much out there that I know would be a great asset to my classroom and my students. I just wish I could keep up with the latest. I am looking forward to becoming more integrated myself to what is available. Hopefully I will learn to fly with it and it will become routine use and not on occasion. Thanks for your input!
    Laurie Pringle

    1. Laurie--I like that you mention that there is still a lot of technology out there that we aren't exposed to as teachers. This is an awesome point and makes me want to sit here at the computer and explore for hours. I recently came across Graphite, which is a website where apps are reviewed and I think it could be a really great tool in helping me learn what tools exist that are beneficial to me as a kindergarten teachers. Thanks for your thoughts! --Tai

  2. Tai:

    I agree that there is sometimes a low level of ability for some teachers. Some of the older teachers in some of the schools I have been in are hesitant to change what they do, because they feel that it works. What they don't always understand is that students of today need relevancy in their education and technology is a part of their world. They have grown up with technology. I have had students in my classes that are well versed in the usage of technology even in kindergarten because they have older siblings who have shared it with them. Teachers can sometimes be the worse students and they realize they would have to learn something new. It scares a lot of them.


    1. Beth--It is scary to think that teachers can sometimes be the worst students. You put it so nicely when you said that students need a relevant education. My school division requires all newly hired teachers to take a technology class within their first year. While I think this is a good first step, it does not help the teachers who typically do not use technology--those who have been in the profession for twenty plus years. It is these teachers who need more support. I think the real challenge is getting them eager to learn to use technology. Thanks for your thoughts--Tai
